Author name: Heather Lawson

Mental health

Mental Health Awareness Month: Depression – Addressing Unhelpful Thoughts

Cognitive distortions, or as I prefer to call them, unhelpful thinking styles, are often present when depression is present. Simply put, these are errors in thinking or false beliefs that have been accepted as true. All humans engage in this type of thinking every now and then; but, this type of thinking is often happening more frequently when depression (and anxiety) are present.

Mental health

Mental Health Awareness Month: Depression – Lifestyle Factors

Depression is exhausting. Everything takes so much more effort and energy. Most days you won’t feel like doing any of the things listed below. Do them anyway. For some, if the depression is severe enough, simply getting out of the bed and showering may seem like an insurmountable task! I understand it’s hard. Instead of focusing on how difficult it might be to accomplish the task, tell yourself: “It may be difficult, but I am capable of doing hard things. I will be proud of myself for taking care of myself this way.” 

Mental health

Mental Health Awareness Month: Depression – Know the Signs & Symptoms

Like many mental health conditions, depression is complex. In an effort to make information easier to understand I’ve broken it down into a three part series, called Depression 101. In part one I’m going to provide a very basic 30,000 foot view of how depression can present and provide you with an opportunity to complete one of the standard screeners often used to assess symptoms of depression.

Mental health

Bipolar Awareness

he month of March holds a special place in my heart. This month is all about raising awareness and educating people about Bipolar disorder, a complex mental health diagnosis impacting approximately 2.3 million Americans. March 30th is World Bipolar Day and, coincidentally, this is also the birthday of one my favorite artists, Vincent Van Gogh, who was suspected of struggling with bipolar disorder. 

Mental health

The Gratitude Effect

We have officially entered the holiday season. For many this time of year includes expectations of and obligations with family, friends, and/or work. For some this time of year may be painful or difficult for a variety of reasons. However, as we embark on the holiday season let’s take some time to explore the role of gratitude in our wellbeing. 

Mental health

How do you #hikeOctober?

Fall is here! This is my favorite time of year to hike. I love seeing the leaves changing colors, feeling the crisp air, and the warmth of the sun on my face. It’s a magical time. Fall also signals to me that it’s time to gear up and get engaged in HIKE for Mental Health’s month-long campaign, #hikeOctober.

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