Lets talk…

#2 in Heather’s series of articles in May for Mental Health Month

My last post provided some insight into what it’s like at the first counseling session. I thought by removing some of the mystery around it, you might feel more comfortable reaching out. If you haven’t had a chance to read that post and you’re interested in what to expect, you can find it here.

Today I’d like to talk to you about what you’ve been feeling and maybe some of the thoughts you’ve been having. You know the ones I’m talking about. The ones you don’t want anyone to know about. The ones you’re afraid to share with people, even the people closest to you, for fear of what they’ll say or think of you. The thoughts and feelings you desperately wish you didn’t have. 

You see, these dark thoughts and heavy feelings you’re experiencing are letting you know that something’s not quite right. And, believe it or not, that’s a good thing. I know; I know. You’re probably thinking, A good thing? How on earth are these things good? Hang on; just hear me out. 

While it feels exceptionally hard and it’s making life hard to bear, these thoughts and feelings are a good thing because they’re indicating it’s time for a change. It’s time to do something different. Yeah, I know.  Change is hard. But, these dark thoughts and heavy feelings are hard too. If you’re going to have to do something hard, why not choose to do the hard thing that brings about positive change in your life? 

I know, you’ve tried before and it didn’t work out quite the way you thought or hoped it would. The dark thoughts and heavy feelings came back. But, hear me out! If they came back… that means they left! Even if it was only for a little while, they still left! And if they left before, they will leave again and maybe this time they’ll stay gone just a little while longer.

I can’t promise you they’ll leave forever. But I can promise that there’s a reason you need to try again. There is a reason… maybe it’s a person, or maybe it’s an experience you want to have or a special place you want to see. There is a reason YOU need to stay. Yes, YOU

I know it’s hard to talk about them, but it’s important that you do. Suppressing them doesn’t make them go away. Passing judgment on yourself for having them doesn’t make them go away either. Honestly and compassionately confronting them with the help of a trained professional can help though. 

If you are having thoughts about wanting to end your life, please reach out to talk to someone. You are not alone. There is hope and there are people who want to help. Text HOME to 741741 or call 1-800-273-8255

To find a board certified counselor in your area you can go to https://nbcc.org/search/counselorfind

If you live in the state of Alabama, Eagle Counseling is here to help. We offer in-person and virtual counseling to anyone residing in the state.

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